大雪节气看美国孩子今天怎么"上学"!快来一起《堆雪人》吧!| 绘本周练

发表于 讨论求助 2023-05-10 14:56:27

大嘴君:今天是二十四节气中的大雪,生活在南方的我们还安好,不过美国国土的北部地区下起大雪来那可不是开玩笑的。今天的这个故事,讲的就是小怪物和家人朋友们度过一个非常开心的Snow Day的故事。





这种幽默娱乐精神真值得每位校长学习。话说遇上灾害天气就停课会影响学习吗?其实也不会,因为学校每年的课程计划里已经早有准备。美国每个学区在做课程计划时,都会留几天Bad Weather Makeup Days(“恶劣天气补偿日”)。

其实这就像我们平时所说的,做计划要留些buffer,Bad Weather Makeup Days相当于一年学习计划的buffer。咱们平时和孩子做计划时也可以参考这个思路。


不过孩子们来说,才不管什么Bad Weather呢,下雪放假就敞开尽情玩耍,如果哪年气候温和,到了“Bad Weather Makeup Day”放假,就像天上掉馅饼一样。


今天的这个故事,讲的就是小怪物和家人朋友们度过一个非常开心的Snow Day的故事。


堆 雪 人

It snowed and snowed all night long, so today we had a snow day. Hooray!

▲ 说明:大雪下了整整一夜,所以今天小怪物要过Snow Day,不上学啰!

I wanted to build a snowman. I put on my snow boots and my mittens and my scarf.

Then, I helped Little Sister put on her snow stuff.

▲ 说明:小怪物全副武装,也帮妹妹穿戴好所有雪天的装备(好暖的哥哥啊),准备出门堆雪人!

After that, Dad needed my help. We shoveled and shoveled lots of snow……

……and then we had to find the car.

▲ 说明:可是爸爸需要帮忙(看到大雪封车的场景了吗?),小怪物只好先帮他铲雪。

I was going to build a snowman next, but Little Sister wanted to have a snowball fight. I let her hit me a bunch of times.

I only hit her one time by accident.

So then, I had to say I was sorry and give her a big hug.

▲ 说明:终于可以开始堆雪人了,可妹妹想要打雪仗,小怪物陪她玩了会儿,一不小心把雪球砸到妹妹身上,还得哄她半天(妈妈通常都是护着小的,当妹妹也总会娇气一点儿,画面上妈妈和妹妹的眼神好生动)

I was going to build a snowman after that, but Tiger and Bun Bun wanted to go ice-skating.

So, I showed everyone how I can skate backwards……and do jumps.

Then Tiger and I raced. It was a tie.

▲ 说明:搞定妹妹后小怪物想堆雪人,可好朋友Tiger和BunBun来了,小怪物只好先陪他们滑冰。

I was ready to build a snowman next, but Maurice and Molly wanted to go sledding. I steered all the way down the big hill. Wach out, Maurice and Molly, here we come!

▲ 说明:接着,又陪Maurice 和 Molly划雪橇;

When Little Sister and I got home, I was going to build a snowman. But Gator wanted me to help him build a snow fort.

And then Gabby wanted to make snow angels.

▲ 说明:回到家后,还帮Gator搭了个雪堡和雪天使……

Finally! It was time to build a snowman. First, we made a big snowball for the bottom.

Next, we put a smaller one on top……and an even smaller one on top of that one.

▲ 说明:终于,好不容易轮到堆雪人了,小怪物和妹妹配合得非常好,不一会儿,一个大雪人就堆出来啦!

Little Sister added prunes for his eyes and mouth, and a carrot for his nose.

And I put Mom's scarf around his neck and Dad's hat on his head. I even let him wear my sunglasses. Our snowman sure looked great!

▲ 说明:他们给雪人做了很多装饰,看起来真漂亮。

Little Sister was getting cold so we went inside. The snowman looked cold, too, so I decide to make some of my special hot chocolate to warm us all up.

First, Mom heated some milk while I got the secret ingredients.

▲ 说明:妹妹觉得冷,要进屋待一会儿。

I put everything into the pot and stirred it all up with a big spoon.

Then I put marshmallows on top and I poured the hot chocolate into three big mugs— one for me, one for Little Sister……

▲ 说明:小怪物翻箱倒柜地找出各种材料做了三杯美味的热巧克力。

……and one for the snowman. It was the best snow day ever. I sure hope it snows again tomorrow!

▲ 说明:为什么是三杯呢?因为一杯给小怪物自己,一杯给妹妹,还有一杯是给雪人的。




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